Some examples of possible ARMO applications

Technical details are described here


Businesses must register to the Programme with their Business Numbers (BNs) as PPIDs. Participants should post data about their payables depending on the Programme mode. Recognition System may be required for this Programme. Obviously, the more number of participants the more benefits for them and for the economy in general will be obtained.


The Programme may help participating financial institutions to reduce both volume of required payments and time spent for that. The Programme should run in B mode and every Participant should post their payables not later than the end of current business day and then receive ARMO results (if any) with updated partners' balances.

Specifically, any such Programme could improve performance of Automated clearing houses where net settlement takes long time in comparison with real-time gross settlement (RTGS). So, in some scenarios it may be more efficient to combine those two methods in one two-step procedure:

  1. Get net settlement results automatically (hence fast) at the end of every operation period.
  2. Apply RTGS on the output of step 1 (it may be called RTNS within this procedure). The less unsettled obligations (edges in the correponding graph) remain the faster RTNS is completed.

Local Community Trading Programme (LCTP)

A Programme may be hosted by some Local Financial Institution (LFI) and provide smooth trading of goods/services and flexible interest-free loans among participants. They should register for a Programme by opening accounts at LFI, and those accounts’ numbers become participants’ PPIDs. The information about any closed deal between two Programme’s participants (posted to LFI either remotely or at LFI’s facility) will update balances of obligations related to those participants' accounts. Every day at the time defined in the Programme Calandar, Participant System sends all participants' balances of obligations to the Program Engine and then receives updated balances back. Also, LFIs could collect/disburse payments to clear non-zeroed obligations (if such functionlity is supported by corresponding Participant System working on behalf of all local participants). LCTPs may stimulate current activities or initiate new ones in some communities and/or organizations providing community services.