Test graph with results illustrated

Test 1
One possible reduction of that graph's cycles and corresponding participants' mutual obligations (generated by the System prototype) is presented in the following tables.

Cycle number Cycle's nodes Amount reduced
1 A, B 50
2 B, E, D 80
3 B, E, D, C 20
4 B, E, F 200
5 B, H, C 50
6 H, J, I 200
Total Reduced Obligations 600

Node AR reduced From In Cycles AP reduced To In Cycles
A 50 B 1 50 B 1
B 50 A 1 50 A 1
B 70 C 3, 5 300 E 2, 3, 4
B 80 D 2 50 H 5
B 200 F 4
C 20 D 3 70 B 3, 5
C 50 H 5
D 100 E 2, 3 80 B 2
D 20 C 3
E 300 B 2, 3, 4 100 D 2, 3
E 200 F 4
F 200 E 4 200 B 4
H 50 B 5 50 C 5
H 200 I 6 200 J 6
I 200 J 6 200 H 6
J 200 H 6 200 I 6
1770 total in Balance Sheets 1770 total in Balance Sheets

Highlighted rows in previous table denote ARMO result for the participant B. Corresponding ARMO-results records are displayed in the table below.

PPID_self PPID_partner DT_amount CR_amount Explanation
B A 50 ARMO:1
B E 300 ARMO:2+3+4
B H 50 ARMO:5
B A 50 ARMO:1
B C 70 ARMO:3+5
B D 80 ARMO:2
B F 200 ARMO:4