This website presents ARMO project prompted by this masterpiece. ARMO stands for Automatic Reduction of Mutual Obligations/Owings. The following pages describe reduction of obligations in accounting terms, project's potential benefits, concept, and architecture. ARMOLAND itself is the ARMO realm.

An ARMO System—the project's core—is not a payment system. It just processes any Programme participants' obligations posted to the System. For a Programme running in the mode B a Participant may post its payables to Partners by the end of a business day (if some payable is posted several times then only the latest value will take effect). For a Programme running in the mode D a Participant may post a deal what either increases its payables to the Partner (e.g. confirmation of purchase on credit) or decreases its receivables from the Partner (e.g. confirmation of payment received). Obligor's payables to Obligee are considered to be Obligee's receivables from Obligor. There is no need to post receivables.

Beta version of ARMO System is implemented and ready for testing. Currently (as of June 2022) two ARMO Programmes are arranged for participants who feel enthusiasm to try some testing scenarios in cooperation with their partners. Programme B2B_CA is set for Canadian businesses and financial institutions. A participant may register with its existing Business Number and post supposed AP balances of their partners once a day. Programme Pilot allows anybody (regardless of their geographical locations) to register and post deals measured in hypothetical Coffee Anchor Unit (CAU). A participant of any Programme may need to share its Programme Participant ID (PPID) with all partners which are/may be participating in the same Programme.

ARMO Programmes' functionality may be extended by addind new features in an ARMO System, specifically: enabling Programme's vouchers and expanding chains of edges (without changing nodes' balances) to create cycles for reduction.

Some governance of ARMOLAND may be required if results of testing look promising. Currently any entity may register to any arranged Programme and obtain PPID and password. With those credentials a Participant can login to and participate in the Programme via https. Some other options of communication between a Programme participant and the System supporting that Programme should be available in the future. That requires proof of a participant's identinty what may be achieved with digital certificates (DS). So, it is suggested to maintain ARMOLAND Registry along with issuing DS for any entity intending to participate in any Programme. That DS would be a sort of ticket required to enter ARMOLAND. With that ticket a Participant could register to any Programme and get correponding PPID. Then a Participant may login to a Programme (and get prompted with its PPID) or send Programme-related digitally signed messages to the corresponding System.

It seems sufficient to have one Admin [team] supporting the System and all the Programmes running on the same host (for every host) and one team supporting Registry and access to ARMOLAND.

This story briefly compares two similar computing-based approaches to reducing cycles of obligations known by the author at the time of publication. Also, donations page was created just in case.